
Mystique theme upgrade



I’m sure it’s great and all, but in my opinion a) it doesn’t look as good as the last version b) its not in the WordPress directory and c) all of the customisations made to the extra nav buttons are useless.
Cheers to the author of this theme, but no thanks to the update.

Bloggin’ along…


After I finished making up my new website I was told by a friend that it might be a good idea to allow guests to move straight from the blog’s homepage ( to the base homepage (

In agreement, we went looking through the theme’s php code in search of the line that makes the link for the header pic and the “home” button. Eventually we (he) found what we needed and changed it to directly link to my home page.

Unfortunately,  I stumbled across a blog that had the theme that I used to have on my old blog (which I lost and had been looking for since). After I installed it I set off to change the php code on this one as well; however, I found that it already had a native option to make your own custom menus. Long story short, I easily made the blog include a link to my homepage and I get what is definitely a superior theme.

Here’s the link for anyone interested:

‘Mystique‘ by digitalnature

and I also downloaded the Mystique Extra Nav Icons plugin so that I can add more icons to the top row bar because lets face it, twitter and RSS isn’t enough (especially considering I don’t have a twitter account). I ended up going a little crazy ( as you can see) but I think its not too bad.

Well, that’s it for my second entry for the day. Possibly another will follow (although it is 1am at the time of writing so maybe not).


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